Ecosystems permanently damaged. Irreplaceable habitats destroyed. Taxpayer’s money spent on restoration wasted. Wildlife extinctions at a local level. This could be nature’s fate if the current plans for HS2 continue.
In the most comprehensive environmental assessment to date we can reveal the sheer scale of potential damage from HS2. Our report shows that the deep cut HS2 will make across the landscape could stop nature’s recovery in its tracks.
Given this evidence that the costs to nature are escalating, we’re urging the Prime Minister Boris Johnson to use his power now to stop and rethink this project, or the scar may never heal. Can you help?

HS2 and the environment
Hundreds of important habitats and special wild places are under threat from the government’s proposed High Speed 2 (HS2) rail network. Ancient woodland, lakes, meadows and other important habitats are at risk. Yet, there has not been a Strategic Environmental Assessment and the compensation plans being put forward are not good enough.
The Government and HS2 Ltd acknowledge that the route can’t be delivered without extreme harm to the natural environment. Furthermore, the deep cut and divisive scar the route will cause along the length of England’s habitats pose a genuine barrier to the urgent action required to recover nature and restore landscapes. The current approach to HS2 means that a Nature Recovery Network would be impossible.
The potential damage is too great – especially while we are facing an ecological and climate emergency. We need HS2 Ltd to stop and rethink.