We’re asking people to take a picture of their view from a window, share it with us and then answer a few simple questions.
Connecting with nature looks different for everyone, it isn’t just hiking into the wilderness. It’s also seeing a robin outside your window whilst you’re having breakfast, or admiring a wildflower on your daily commute. These small experiences are the closest some people get to connecting with nature on a daily basis. With it being shown that spending time in nature can improve both our mental and physical health, how important are these fleeting wild moments?
Connecting with nature looks different for everyone, it isn’t just hiking into the wilderness. It’s also seeing a robin outside your window whilst you’re having breakfast, or admiring a wildflower on your daily commute. These small experiences are the closest some people get to connecting with nature on a daily basis. With it being shown that spending time in nature can improve both our mental and physical health, how important are these fleeting wild moments?
The Wildlife Trusts have teamed up with The University of Exeter to find out the significance of these glimpses of our natural world, in particular the view from your window. It’s safe to say a lot of us spend a good amount of time daydreaming whilst staring out the closest window but how do these views vary and how do they impact us?
Take your view on nature
The window can be anywhere; school, work, your bedroom or living room. The survey should only take you a few minutes and you’ll be in with the chance of a £100 gift voucher!
This study takes an important step towards understanding how different people view nature and whether they see it as important or less so.