Free Nature Reserves Visits

Bowesfield Marsh Nature ReserveThrough funding from Natural England and its educational access programme we have a limited number of opportunities for schools to visit and learn about some of the Tees Valley Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves. These are available to allow a class of pupils to visit for a half day workshop (2 hours). The content of the workshop can be arranged to fit in with ongoing school work but could include habitat surveys, bird watching, mini-beast hunts and pond dipping etc.
Visits are available at the following reserves:
• Coatham Marsh, Redcar
• Preston Farm/Bowesfield Marsh, Ingleby Barwick
• Cattersty Gill, Skinningrove
• Maze Park/Portrack Marsh, Middlesbrough/Stockton
To book please phone Steve Ashton on 01287 636382 to check available dates or email [email protected]

More information about the nature reserves can be found below.


After the visit teachers must fill in an evaluation form to enable the Trust to claim the money to cover the visit.
If you would like to discuss this further please don’t hesitate to contact the Trust.