Polecats, Ferrets and the American Mink

One native, one feral and one invasive. Could American mink halt the expansion of polecat range? Or is hybridisation with ferrets a bigger risk to their recovery? Naturally Native Project Officer Elliot Lea takes a closer look at the status of these three mustelids. European polecats, ferrets and American mink are all members of...

Watch out… there’s mink about!

By Emily Marshall – Naturally Native Project Officer for NWT With autumn just around the corner, we are now entering the American mink dispersal season. American mink are an invasive non-native species which can decimate local water vole populations as well as being a problem for other animals like fish and ground nesting birds....

Water Vole

Naturally Native Monthly Blog

Habitat Fragmentation In last month’s blog we wrote about the power of slowing down and observing nature in your local green space, and the benefit that this can have on your emotional connection with the world around you. We hope you’ve managed to find a minute to stand still in your local park; to...

Water vole feeding on grass

Naturally Native: saving the north east’s water voles

Introducing Mark Slaughter – Naturally Native Project Officer at Tees Valley Wildlife Trust Thinking back to my childhood, our family holidays invariably involved tents, rain, and queues for lukewarm showers. To my school friends, these sounded like key ingredients for a week of misery. “We’ve been on the beach in Spain for a week”, they’d announce proudly. “Boring”, I’d murmur. Because whilst our family trips did entail tents and rain,...


Marine Week

National Marine Week – 25th July – 9th August 2020 – is The Wildlife Trusts’ nationwide celebration of all things marine. Despite the name, it lasts 15 fun-filled days to allow for the variation in tide times around the country. This year is slightly different, due to the Covid-19 crisis, but there’s still lots to...

Getting wilder by the year

Discover how our 30 Days Wild challenge can breathe new life into your relationship with nature. 30 Days Wild is back for another year! The Wildlife Trusts’ annual nature challenge; one random wild act a day, for a whole month, kicking off on the 1st of June. The last five years of 30 Days...

Deciphering the dawn chorus

Wildlife expert Nick Acheson introduces some of our feathered superstars to listen out for this spring When we look at wildlife, anthropomorphising is commonly discouraged. ‘If you project human feelings onto animals,’ we’re told, ‘you won’t observe what is really going on.’ But if, like me, you see personalities in wild animals all around...

Wildlife Trusts and Reintroductions

Dr Catherine McNicol reveals some of the work that Wildlife Trusts are doing to bring species back from the brink. Restoring ecosystems Complex ecosystems are healthy ecosystems. As we lose species from plant and animal communities, we lose important processes and therefore resilience. These simplified ecosystems become less able to endure extreme events, such...