Sick or injured animal? Signs of pollution? A possible wildlife crime? Here are some handy numbers for reporting the problems that affect coastal and marine wildlife.
Why not put some of them in your phone and share with friends and family?

Seal: thin, injured or in danger | BDMLR Rescue hotline: 01825 765546 (24hr) What to do if… – British Divers Marine Life Rescue ( |
Seal: dead | Cetaceans Stranding Investigation Programme: 0800 6520333 |
Dolphin: live stranding | BDMLR Rescue hotline: 01825 765546 (24hr) What to do if… – British Divers Marine Life Rescue ( |
Dolphin: dead | Cetaceans Stranding Investigation Programme: 0800 6520333 |
Wildlife crime | Ring 101 or ring local police and say you want to report a wildlife crime. See Wildlife crime | The Wildlife Trusts |
Pollution coming from a pipe | Northumbrian Water Pollution hotline: 0345 7171100 |
Other pollution | Environment Agency incident hotline: 0800 80 70 60 |
People in difficulty in the sea | Call 999 and ask for the Coastguard |
Dead, sick or injured bird | Check latest advice here: Report dead wild birds – GOV.UK ( |
Blue sponge balls, “Taprogge” balls | Record number of balls, date and location (using What3Words) and email: [email protected] |
Fishermen’s tags with permit numbers | Email or message the relevant IFCA (will be on the tag), with permit numbers, location and photos if possible. For example ne-ifca |
Suspected illegal fishing or foraging activity | See Reporting Illegal Fishing : North Eastern IFCA ( |