Please find information about some of the exciting projects Tees Valley Wildlife Trust are delivering at the moment:
Northumbrian Water Partnership Project
This new partnership with Northumbrian Water means that we have a full-time conservation officer Mat Dove-Jones working at Portrack Marsh SSSI Nature Reserve and assisting NWL with the management of their sites in the Tees Valley area. Mat will be working with volunteers and the local community to improve these spaces for people and wildlife.…
All Our Futures
Inspiring young people and their communities to take action for nature What is All Our Futures? All Our Futures is a brand new partnership between Tees Valley Wildlife Trust, The Junction Foundation, and Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, and is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund. Our mission is to increase local awareness of…
Great Crested Newts- NE District Level Licensing Scheme
What are Great Crested Newts? Great crested newts (GCN) are Britain’s largest and rarest native newt species. GCN have significantly declined in numbers in the last 60 years due to the loss of habitat, particularly the ponds in which they breed. Tees Valley Wildlife Trust (TVWT) is working with landowners to create and restore this…
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) with The Wildlife Trusts
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an approach to new development that aims to leave nature in a measurably better state than it was found. Wildlife Trusts across England work with developers to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain end-to-end, from the first conception of a new development until after its completion. Our approach to Biodiversity Net Gain…
Wildlife for Wellbeing
Nature helps us feel healthier and happier! Daily contact with nature is linked with better health, less stress and improved concentration, whether it’s stretching your legs in your local park, listening to birds in your garden, or visiting a nature reserve. Explore our Five Ways to Wild Wellbeing pages for inspiration, ideas and practical activities…
Climate Action Middlesbrough
The Climate Action Middlesbrough project is funded by the National Lottery through the Climate Action Fund and is made up of multiple partner organisations working together to reduce the town’s carbon footprint and inspire changes in individuals, communities and organisations. The partnership includes Middlesbrough Environment City, Actes, Linx Youth Project, The Other Perspective, Thirteen Group,…
Barn Owl Nest Box Network
Sponsor a barn owl nest box in 2025 Help our owl conservation project in 2025 by sponsoring a barn owl box in East Cleveland or the Tees Valley for just £10.00. These boxes give owls a place to breed, replacing nest sites lost through rural development. Each sponsor will be told the general location of…
Roseworth Garden Champions
See our latest programme below:
Wilder Community Green Spaces
To order and pay by Paypal or Credit Card. Use the Donate button above to either donate by Pay Pal or pay by Credit Card and include “Wilder Community Green Spaces” in “Add special instructions to the seller” and don’t forget to tick the box “Share your mailing address with Tees Valley Wildlife Trust” so…
Naturally Native
Naturally Native has come to an end.The project was a joint project between Tees Valley Wildlife Trust, Durham Wildlife Trust and Northumberland Wildlife Trust and finished on 31st December. We are delighted to report that it achieved all its aims: we improved water vole habitat along 11km of riverbank, dug three fantastic ponds, spoke to over 700 school kids…
Help us to restore 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030
Our natural world is in trouble This is no secret. Wildlife is disappearing at an alarming rate – some are calling it the next mass extinction – and the threat of climate catastrophe is a constant worry. We live in a time of emergency. There is still hope – we can tackle both of these critical issues – but we have to act now. Time…
Sea-ing Sense
The ambition of the Sea-ing Sense project was to engage people with a Visual Impairment (VI), who face barriers into accessing their coastal natural heritage by providing opportunities for them to experience and learn about the Cleveland Heritage Coast.The project was developed and delivered by Going For Independence in partnership with the trust. They worked…
Wilder Coast Project
We are asking people to take simple actions to help coastal and marine wildlife Will YOU join the Wild Coast Team? Meet the Wilder Coast Team News and events Find out more about coastal wildlife
Tees Valley Nature Partnership
We are the local Nature Partnership for the Tees Valley, designated by the Secretary of State. With over 40 organisations, we work together to support nature so it can support us.
Nextdoor Nature
Nextdoor Nature 2022-2024 Nextdoor Nature ran from 2022-2024 but its legacy lives on and will continue to bring communities together to help nature flourish where they live and work! The project was made possible thanks to £5 million funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, which provided people with the advice and support they needed to…
Nature-based Interventions for Good Health
In 2012 the Trust conducted an evaluation of our Inclusive Volunteering Project which has worked since 2006 to improve people’s health and well-being through volunteering for nature. We wanted to show that quite simply, ‘green is good for everyone’ but also how it is good for everyone. Our projects connect people with their local environment…
Living Seas
Around half the UK’s wildlife lives in the sea – from microscopic plankton to mighty whales. But our seas are under pressure from all sides. A sustainable society and economy needs productive and healthy seas. Yet for many years pollution, unsustainable development and the way we fish have damaged and depleted our seas. Our vision is for…
Wildlife Gardening
Let’s invite wildlife back The Wildlife Trusts and the RHS set up Wild About Gardens to celebrate wildlife gardening and to encourage people to use their gardens to take action to help support nature. Many of our common garden visitors – including hedgehogs, house sparrows and starlings – are increasingly under threat. But together we can make a difference.…
Tees Valley Geology
Conservation of the geological interest of the Tees Valley as well as its wildlife interest has always been a concern of the Tees Valley Wildlife Trust and is included in the organisation’s objectives registered with the Charity Commission. Some ten years ago the Trust established the Tees Valley RIGS Group to carry out a geological…
Growing Wild Garden
As part of the Growing Food for the Future Project the Trust working with Martin Allen decided to completely revamp the schools garden here at Margrove Heritage Centre. The brief given to Martin was to create to create an edible and wildlife garden packed full with inspiration on new, easy ways to grow fruit and…