Insects are everywhere, often overlooked, but playing vital roles in almost every ecosystem. Meet some of the miniature miracle-workers that help keep our world running. Tom Hibbert explains: Pollinators When you think about the benefits of having insects around, pollination is probably the first thing that springs to mind. There’s a good reason for...

Wildlife Trusts and Reintroductions

Dr Catherine McNicol reveals some of the work that Wildlife Trusts are doing to bring species back from the brink. Restoring ecosystems Complex ecosystems are healthy ecosystems. As we lose species from plant and animal communities, we lose important processes and therefore resilience. These simplified ecosystems become less able to endure extreme events, such...


We are asking everyone who visits our nature reserves to continue to follow social distancing guidelines. Visitors are also encouraged to check the advice issued on permitted levels of exercise and reasons to travel issued by the government. As always, on any visit to our nature reserves, please be mindful of the wildlife that...

Government gives badgers a reprieve

The Wildlife Trusts delighted that vaccination gets priority in the fight against bovine tuberculosis Today the Government set out the next phase of their strategy to combat bovine tuberculosis. The Wildlife Trusts – who have campaigned for a halt to the badger cull ever since it began – are delighted with the Government’s new...

Natural solutions to the climate crisis

Will Parsons, The Wildlife Trusts’ public affairs officer, reveals the role natural habitats play in tackling the climate crisis. The climate crisis now regularly makes the headlines, and rightly so. But there’s another crisis – inextricably linked – lurking too often unnoticed in its shadow: the massive, ongoing loss of nature. In the UK,...

High Speed Rail (H2S)

Ecosystems permanently damaged. Irreplaceable habitats destroyed. Taxpayer’s money spent on restoration wasted. Wildlife extinctions at a local level. This could be nature’s fate if the current plans for HS2 continue.  In the most comprehensive environmental assessment to date we can reveal the sheer scale of potential damage from HS2.  Our report shows that the...

Dip into the world of dabbling ducks

Winter is a wonderful time to see wildlife, particularly for fans of our feathered friends. As the cold grip of the Arctic winter takes hold on the lakes, pools and marshes of Northern Europe and Russia, huge numbers of swans, ducks and geese retreat to the relative warmth of the UK. Our lakes, rivers,...