Two male stag beetles, with their great jaws raised, face up to each other on a branch. They will fight for females and territory using their antler-like jaws. Text reads 'Bring Back our Beetles'.

Bring Back Our Beetles

Bring Back Our Beetles is part of the Wild About Gardens campaign. We are calling all gardeners to make better habitat for our wonderful species of beetle. Not all are as imposing as the stag beetle (Lucanus cervus), which is our largest beetle (it is also the largest European beetle) with males measuring up...

Minke Whale


Kathryn Brown, Interim Director of Climate Action at The Wildlife Trusts says: “Today, the IPCC’s climate report gives a stark warning that a global temperature increase of at least 1.5C by 2040 is now largely inevitable, with consequent increases in extreme heat, flooding, sea level rise, drought and wildfire. However, the report also says that...


National Marine Week

Meet the tompot blenny – ‘The small fish with a big personality’ Marine wildlife expert Paul Naylor dives into the world of one of his favourite fish How best to introduce the tompot blenny? Most people who explore the seashore meet the tompot’s relative, the common blenny (also known as the shanny), which is...

Minke Whale

Government says yes to Highly Protected Marine Areas

Minke whale – Holderness Offshore (c)Eleanor Stone The Wildlife Trusts cheer long fought-for arrival of first ever sea sanctuaries where all damaging activities will be banned Last year, the Benyon review of Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) was published by Defra. The Wildlife Trusts backed its recommendations that HPMAs should be an essential part...

Water Vole

Naturally Native Monthly Blog

Habitat Fragmentation In last month’s blog we wrote about the power of slowing down and observing nature in your local green space, and the benefit that this can have on your emotional connection with the world around you. We hope you’ve managed to find a minute to stand still in your local park; to...

Get Yours Now! Advert showing a youn woman wearing a grey Tees Valley Wildlife Trust t-shirt with a bullfinch illustration and logo on it.

Get Yours Now!

Get your Tees Valley Wildlife Trust t-shirts now from our NEW Teemill shop. Follow the link or visit Teemill t-shirts are made from organic cotton, processed using renewable energy and packaged using plastic-free recycled materials. You can be confident that buying your Teemill t-shirt will support Tees Valley Wildlife Trust. It will also...

House Sparrow decline

The humble house sparrow

Tom Hibbert, birdwatcher and content officer for The Wildlife Trusts, takes a closer look at one of the UK’s most familiar birds. House sparrows may not be the most colourful bird in the UK, or the most impressive singer, but they’ve long been one of our favourites, because they live in such close proximity...

Say no to Peat compost

We need an immediate end to peat sales Peat used in our compost is dug out of wild places, damaging some of the last remaining peatlands in the UK and overseas. This process also releases carbon into the atmosphere, accelerating climate change. Ten years ago, the Government set a voluntary target for the horticulture sector...

Gardeners urged to help beetles

Beetles are the unsung heroes of the garden and need our support urge the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) and The Wildlife Trusts, as they launch 2021’s Wild About Gardens campaign. The two charities are calling on gardeners to create habitats for these important but often overlooked insects which are a vital part of every...